Sunday, May 4, 2014

Canola Oil and Deteriorating Vision


Beware of Canola Oil - Toxicity of Canola and Soy

"Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Rape is the most toxic of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous! The oil from the rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil." John Thomas
There is considerable controversy with regard to canola oil and the rape seed plant. One aim of my website is to present views which do not necessarily conform to the views of the establishment. It is very easy to find views which conform to the establishment's views. It is very often difficult to find opposing views. Therefore, you can read the views presented on my website and then visit other websites which present opposing views, and then you can make up your own mind. (see links to conventional website in support of canola oil below). - Shirley
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Blindness, Mad Cow Disease and Canola Oil

By John Thomas excerpt from:
Young again: How to Reverse the Aging Process
Canola PlantMillions of people have suffered the loss of their vision from glaucoma, a disease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years, "experts" have been telling us that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure buildup in the eye that causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This theory was based on an incorrect medical model: They were wrong! Now, the experts have admitted that this is not true and have given birth to a new theory. According to it, glaucoma is instead caused by a deficiency of of oxygen and blood flow. Finally they are on the right trail. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of insufficient blood flow due to agglutination (clumping together) of the red blood cells and waste buildup in the cells and intercellular fluids.
These blood-corpuscle clusters cannot squeeze through the extremely tiny capillaries in the posterior of the eye, so cannot deliver oxygen to the mitochondria.1 This is what the problem has been all along, and if people continue to eat soy canola oils, a lot more of them are going to experience vision irregularities - like retinitis and macula lutea degeneration.
Death of the mitochondria in the cells in the posterior of the eye is due to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity and waste accumulation. When the mitochondria die, the cells die and the posterior eye tissues atrophy. In this respect, glaucoma has much in common with hair loss, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and hearing problems.
There are several things a person can do to reverse these debilitating conditions. Biologically friendly water is basic to all rejuvenation, as is fresh, viable food. Detoxification of the tissues and body fluids is accomplished with yucca extract, Kombucha tea, PACs and colon therapy.
Degradation of Vision
Loss of vision is a known, characteristic side effect of rape oil which antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems=20 again like soy oil, again worse. The deterioration takes years, however. Rape (canola) oil causes emphysema respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in animals-and humans. Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. You may remember reading about the cows, pigs and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, attacked people and had to be shot.
Mad CowA woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she had been in England when the "Mad Cow Disease" had been at its peak. She said that she had seen a television news report that told people not to panic if they had been using rape oil in their diet and were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added that the effects of rape oil ingestion takes at least 10 years to manifest, and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway. Comforting!
In the reports I read, the "experts" blamed the behavior on a viral disease called scrapie. However, when rape oil was removed from animal feed, "scrapie disappeared.
No longer a European livestock problem; now it is ours. U.S. farmers grow rape seed, and manufacturers use its oil (canola) in thousands of processed foods, with the blessings of government watchdog agencies, of course.
Rape Seed Oil or "Canola"?
  • Canola is a coined word. It appeared out of nowhere and is not listed in any but the most recent reference sources.
  • The flip side of the canola coin reads: "rape"! You must admit that canola sounds better than rape. The name canola disguised the introduction of rape oil to America.
  • Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Rape is the most toxic of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous! The oil from the rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil.
  • Canola is a semi-drying oil that is used as lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant for the slick color pages you see in magazines. It is an industrial oil and does not belong in the body!
  • Canola oil has some very interesting characteristics and effects on living systems. For example, it forms latex-like substances that agglutinate the red blood corpuscles, as does soy, but much more pronounced.
1997 marks the entry of a wide variety of unlabelled genetically-engineered foods onto supermarket shelves. Genetic tampering of our food supply threatens the health of consumers and also the health of the environment.Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil - Low Erucic Acid, Rape. Industry experts love to tell how canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering, i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape seed, but "canola" instead. ["Canadian oil", get it?]
They love to talk about canola"s qualities - its unsaturated structure(Omega 3, 6, 12), its wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They turn us against naturally saturated oils and fats, while they come to the rescue with canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to its distinctive flavor. Isn"t it wonderful how internationalists brokers "help" third-world peoples? Reminds me of the introduction of the microwave oven.
Genetically Modified Canola 'Escapes' Farm Fields
An earthly expression from the Old West sums up the flimflam accompanying rape oil"s rebirth and promotion worldwide: "horseshit and gun smoke!" Its new name provided the perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to make billions in the United States. The euphemism is still very much in use, but is no longer needed. Look at the ingredients list on peanut butter labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil.
Do you have a question about Natural Health or need assistance? Contact Shirley
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Chemical Warfare
Chemical LaboratoryRape oil is also the source of the infamous chemical-warfare agent , mustard gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands of solders and civilians during WW1. Recent French reports indicate that it was again used during the gulf.
Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard(rape) seed was irradiated in Sweden to increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the process the experts want use to make our food "safe" to eat. Genetically engineered fruits and vegetables - which will soon have innocent things like hepatitis-B spliced into their DNA - are another example of man"s misuses of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and "head-in-the-sand" watchdog agencies.*8*
Canola oil contains large amounts of "isothiocyanates" - cyanide-containing compounds. Cyanide inhibits mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate(ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria. ATP energy powers the body and keeps us healthy and young !
Canola oil is an edible vegetable oil that can be used to control insects on a wide variety of crops.
Canola Oil and Metabolism
  • Many substances can bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the body. In biochemistry, theses substances are called inhibitors.
  • Toxic substances in canola and soy oils encourage the formation of molecules with covalent bonds which are normally irreversible: They cannot be broken by the body once they have formed.
  • For example, consider the pesticide malathion.*9* It binds to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this enzyme from doing its job, which is to divide acetylcholine into choline and acetate.
Nerve Function and Organophosphates
Acetylcholine is critical to nerve-impulse transmission. When acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, as by pesticide residues, nerve fibers do not function normally, and muscles do not respond.
Scientists now say that aggressive forms of GE corn, let loose in Oaxaca, may drive native species to extinction, causing the loss of irreplaceable cultivars.For example, think of a garage door opener: If its signal is not received, the door does not open. worth one"s body, the hand or leg is ordered to move, but does not respond. Recently there has been a tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, "Myelinoma"*10* pulmonary hypertension and neuropathy. soy and canola oils are players in the outbreak of these disease conditions. So are the organophosphates, insecticides such as malathion used in food production in the name of efficiency.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause paralysis of the striated) skeletal) muscles and spasms of the respiratory system. That is why malathion is the pesticide of choice by the experts; it kills insects by paralysis - just like rotenone from soy beans does! It inhibits the insect"s enzymes and those of humans, too! Canola oil is an edible vegetable oil that can be used to control insects on a wide variety of crops.
Agents Orange and Blue that were used in Viet Nam to defoliate jungle cover are also organophosphorus compounds. The Viet Nam vets and the Vietnamese people know about them firsthand. Government experts who okayed their use and chemical companies that manufactured them have finally owned up to their toxic effects on people and the environment. Nonetheless, present-day experts in academia and government continue to bamboozle the public with stories of "safe" science and cheap food through the use of poisons.
  • Canola oil is also high in glycosides that cause serious problems by blocking enzyme function and deprive us of our life force - - chi, qi, prana, call it what you like.
  • Glycosides interfere with the biochemistry of humans and animals. Their presence in rattlesnake venom inhibits muscle enzymes and causes instant immobilization of the victim.
  • Canola Oil, HIV, and AIDS Soy and canola oil glycosides also depress the immune system - the T cells - to go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job. These oils alter the bioelectric "terrain" and promote disease.
The Cancer/Trans-Fatty Acid Connection - Known in 1949!
In orthodox cancer research, renowned cancer researchers, among them, Nobel Prize winner, V. Euler of Stockholm, wrote and published a book in 1949 in which they concluded that if the numerous and diverse symptoms associated with various types of cancer were reduced to one common denominator, it would be that "the fat lacks the ability to integrate in the living tissue". "Trans-Fatty acid is the name of the fat that lacks this ability - it is bad fat.
Non-Spoiling", Spreadable" Oils Are Destroying Our Health
Since 1902, Western countries have resorted to chemical process to destroy the "unsaturatedness" of vegetable oils. It is done to make them easier to handle; easier to market; and to preserve them so they will not spoil so quickly. In the early 1900s, clever advertisements hailed its "spreadability" - exclaiming that what everyone was waiting for was "a spreadable fat"! Although the destruction of the essential elements of the fat was originally well intended - to prevent it from spoiling the methods of processing fats are destroying our health. Avoid any vegetable oil that is labeled "hydrogenated", or "partially hydrogenated", as this oil contains 100% Trans-fatty acid!
Why Are We Still Being "Sold" Trans-Fatty Acid?
Food manufacturing is a big, profitable business and employs many highly skilled lobbyists. The new U.S. labeling laws do not list "Trans-Fatty acid because the large food manufacturers spent billions of dollars to pay for lobbyists to keep "Trans-fatty acid" off the labels. "Cold Pressed" labeling means nothing in the U.S. All commercial oils and nut butters sold in U.S. Supermarkets contain Trans-fatty acid this is because the U.S. government allows heat treated and high pressure squeezed vegetable oil to be used and even labeled "Cold Processed". The Italian government passed a law that olive oil must be protected from heat and high pressure. The U.S. government could save many lives if it passed a similar law to include all vegetable oil (and banned cotton seed oil - it is poison).
Figure The Amount of Trans-Fatty Acid In Packaged Food By Using The New U.S. Labels
  1. Find the amount of "Total Fat" on the label.
  2. Find the amounts of "Saturated Fat", "Polyunsaturated Fat" and "Monosaturated Fat". (These are found on the label, listed directly under "Total Fat" and slightly indented. If one or the other is not listed, that particular food does not contain it.)
  3. Add theses three together. If there are only two listed, add them together or use one amount if only one is listed.
  4. Subtract the total amount of #3 from the amount of #1. This would be the answer is the amount of Trans-fatty Acid in that product.
Fats That Can Be Safely Heated
Butter and tropical fats - coconut, palm, palm kernel, cocoa, and shea nut - are safest for frying, because they contain only small quantities of Essential Fatty-Acids(EFAs). The saturated fatty acids contained in these fats/oils are inert and therefore heat stable. Heat does not destroy them in the same way it destroys EFAs. Butter and tropical Fats are best used unhydrogenated. Only small amounts should be eaten, as they are sticky, hard, saturated fatty acid-containing fats.
Tropical oils got a bad reputation for increasing cholesterol and triglyceride levels that supposedly cause cardiovascular disease. An unconfirmed rumor suggests that the soy bean industry financed the successful campaign against tropical fats to kill imports and increase soy bean sales. Tropical oils used in their country of origin have been shown in several studies to decrease cholesterol levels. The difference in results may be due to several causes: deterioration in tropical oils during storage (oxidation; processing (hydrogenation); differing experimental design; or a combination of the above. Raw tropical oils are rich sources of vitamin E and tocotrienols, which help protect arteries from damage leading to cardiovascular disease(CVD). Olive oil imported from Italy is safe for baking but not for frying or deep frying. But only imported Italian olive oil as it is cold processed by law.
Liver and Gall Bladder Problems Improved
The metabolism of fat affects each and every organ. Anyone with liver and gall bladder problems is quite aware of how fats affect them. In medicine they say "Eat less fat", because it was observed that fats do not agree with the sick person. However, if this person with liver and gall bladder problems is given "good fat", i.e. live, highly unsaturated fat, it will agree with him or her very well. It is best to use the threefold unsaturated fat from flax seed oil or hemp seed oil, together with a substance that makes it soluble(mix it with plain, low fat cottage cheese or emulsify it with 2 or more ounces of low fat milk) before you take it.
Many serious medical problems can be solved on the simple basis of taking flax seed oil or hemp seed oil and a sulfur containing protein. (more on the health benefits of flaxoil and hemp seed oil)
Diseased organs react very favorably to this remedy. (Ed. Note: Also Recommended: EPA capsules (fish oil) and Evening Primrose Oil capsules) Alcohols and glycosidcs in canola and soy oils shut down our protective grid-the immune system. Fluoride, immunizations, antibiotics and bio-junk food play a similar role in immune system collapse. An alcohol is a chemistry term for the "reactive" chemical group on an organic molecule. Those "R" groups are what make organic compounds work-for good and bad! Canola alcohols and glycosides are very reactive. They are as toxic as fermented alcohols, but their effects manifest differently. The damage takes years to show up. In a future article, I will discuss the sweet proteins in soy.
When the medical experts check your blood for the presence of the HIV virus, they are looking at your white blood cell "count". If the numbers are normal, they will tell you that you do not have HIV. What they don't see is that the T cells are in a stupor. This opportunistic condition causes life forms in the blood and nymph to metamorphose, manifest as hepatitis, pneumonia and HIV, bypass the body's immune-system defenses(the T cells) and get a foothold. As Claude Berard said, "The terrain is everything!"
Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It uses the mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. Quietly it multiplies, then one day - BANG! - you wake up dying of AIDS.
Aids and Green Monkeys In his earth-shaking book, "AIDS: The End of Civilization", Dr. William Campbell Douglass asked, "Do you really think some green monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass and presto, AIDS all over the world?"
Dr. Douglass was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta have been peddling to the public about the AIDS virus, HIV. Douglass' book tells the "whole" story of the development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick(Maryland) military installation installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of the futuristic movie "Outbreak". More about AIDS/HIV/AZT: astonishing facts
Do you have a question about Natural Health or need assistance? Contact Shirley
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