Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Change in Orientation

For the last 7 years we have been involved in the media, bringing forth the news that exposes exactly what the leaders of this world are up to.

We all know what they are doing - they simply wish us dead and are doing everything in htier power to accomplish this.

A few days ago I spoke with a man named Doc Marquis. He was one of the Satanic  priests I fought against when I was at Fort Lewis. His group did more harm to my military career than any other. A few years ago he realized that following Lucifer (Satan) was a hopeless and worthless thing to do and gave his life over to GOD, who's son (Yeshua) is our Chief Mediator.  we are not only now on the same team.

We spoke about what would happen if we reoriented our news stories to focusing our readers on stopping Lucifer''s Plans from destroying  this planet.

-He thought about it and as an Ex-Satanic Priest realized that we would shut his plans down. That many people focusing on one issue  would destroy Lucifer's planes ot hurt us.

This is what Dr Will P Wilson (All Day Live TV Show and the UN moderators discuss. So let uis try it.

1) The First Issue: Forces loyal to the Rothchilds are currently using their machines to destroy the weather in Brazil, Russia, India and China to cause crop failure. In doing this the US will increase GMO grain production (The New Farm Bill) using this weather and force the BRIC nations to accept these Killer Grains.

Focus on the plans of Lucifer to be destroyed and that tier GMO grain production fails - forcing Monsanto to go back to growing normal grains.

2) UKs Stella Nuclear Reprocessing Center has told workers to stay home because radioactivity rises and they do not know why.

This is hte first of 12 Nuclear Storage Facilities the Rothchilds intend to destroy to destroy life on Planet Earth. It has begun.

Focus that they contain this Nuclear Radiation in the planet in Stella UK, and that their plans to destroy additional Nuclear Storage Facilities next month on Whitbey Island Washington and a huge one (4X Fukushima) just south of Los Angeles fails.

Let us see how this works.
For You Intle Geeks:

Thank you Stadium security for cooperating with Homeland Security in locating the Nuclear Device in the stadium and removing it prior to the start of the game.

Let us hope, and pray, that the Russian Security Forces  are just as successful in doing this in the Winter Olympics in Sorchi, Russia - in fact - focus on that.


Dr William B. Mount

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